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Text File | 1992-04-20 | 13.1 KB | 457 lines | [TEXT/PJMM] |
- {$I-}
- program Talkd;
- { This program was written by Peter N Lewis, Mar 1992 in THINK Pascal 4.0.1 }
- { To compile it you will need the System 7 versions of the Interface files }
- { You may use this source in your own free/shareware projects as long as you acknowledge me }
- { in your About box and documentation files. You may include it in commercial products }
- { only if I explicitly allow it. }
- uses
- AppleTalk, PPCToolbox, Processes, EPPC, Notification, AppleEvents, MyTrackIdle, MyUtils, {}
- TCPTypes, TCPStuff, UDPStuff, TalkdTypes, Tables, MyLists, MyNotifier, MyPreferences, BaseGlobals;
- const
- min_idle_time = longInt(1) * 60 * 60; { 1 minute }
- max_notify_display_time = longInt(1) * 60 * 60; { 1 minutes }
- var
- dnrptr: ptr;
- has_AppleEvents: boolean;
- function GotRequiredParams (theAppleEvent: AppleEvent): OSErr; { <aevt> }
- var
- typeCode: DescType;
- actualSize: Size;
- err: OSErr;
- begin
- err := AEGetAttributePtr(theAppleEvent, keyMissedKeywordAttr, typeWildCard, typeCode, nil, 0, actualSize); { nil ok: need only function result }
- if err = errAEDescNotFound then { we got all the required params: all is ok }
- GotRequiredParams := noErr
- else if err = noErr then
- GotRequiredParams := errAEEventNotHandled
- else
- GotRequiredParams := err;
- end; { GotRequiredParams }
- function HandleQUIT (theAppleEvent, reply: AppleEvent; quitp: ptr): OSErr; { <aevt> }
- var
- oe: OSErr;
- errStr: Str255;
- willQuit: Boolean; { did the user allow the quit or cancel }
- begin
- { We don't expect any params at all, but check in case the client requires any }
- oe := GotRequiredParams(theAppleEvent);
- quitNow := true;
- if reply.dataHandle <> nil then { a reply is sought }
- begin
- if oe = noErr then
- errStr := 'OK'
- else
- errStr := 'user cancelled quit';
- oe := AEPutParamPtr(reply, 'errs', 'TEXT', Ptr(@errStr[1]), length(errStr));
- end;
- HandleQUIT := oe;
- end;
- procedure WNE;
- var
- dummy: boolean;
- er: eventRecord;
- oe: OSErr;
- begin
- dummy := WaitNextEvent(everyEvent, er, 15, nil);
- if er.what = kHighLevelEvent then
- if has_AppleEvents then
- oe := AEProcessAppleEvent(er);
- if er.what = keydown then
- quitnow := true;
- TrackIdle;
- NotifyIdle(true);
- end;
- function IsRunning (signature: OSType): boolean;
- var
- process: ProcessSerialNumber;
- info: ProcessInfoRec;
- s: str63;
- fs: FSSpec;
- oe: OSErr;
- gv: longInt;
- begin
- IsRunning := false;
- if (Gestalt(gestaltOSAttr, gv) = noErr) & (BTST(gv, gestaltLaunchControl)) then begin
- process.highLongOfPSN := 0;
- process.lowLongOfPSN := kNoProcess;
- info.processInfoLength := sizeof(ProcessInfoRec);
- info.processName := @s;
- info.processAppSpec := @fs;
- while GetNextProcess(process) = noErr do begin
- if GetProcessInformation(process, info) = noErr then
- if (info.processType = longInt('APPL')) and (info.processSignature = signature) then begin
- IsRunning := true;
- leave;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function AnnounceRequest (var request: ctlMsg; var remote_machine: str255): answers;
- { See if the user is accepting messages. If so, announce that a talk is requested. }
- var
- sp: stringPtr;
- s: str255;
- oe: OSErr;
- gv: longInt;
- talk_running: boolean;
- secs: longInt;
- begin
- JustGetPrefs(prefs);
- talk_running := IsRunning('tALK');
- if (prefs.allowconnect = AC_Never) | ((prefs.allowconnect = AC_Talk) and not talk_running) then
- AnnounceRequest := A_permission_denied
- else begin
- if not talk_running then begin
- { if Talk is running it will notice by itself in a few secs and notify the user much more sedately }
- GetDateTime(secs);
- IUTimeString(secs, false, s);
- SPrintS5(s, GetGlobalString(alert_pattern), UserToPStr(request.l_name), remote_machine, UserToPStr(request.r_name), s, '');
- sp := stringPtr(NewPtr(Length(s) + 1));
- sp^ := s;
- NotifyH(mark_none, nil, nil, sp, max_notify_display_time);
- end;
- AnnounceRequest := A_success;
- end;
- end;
- procedure AddrToName (ip: longInt; var name: str255);
- var
- hi: hostInfo;
- done: signedByte;
- oe: OSErr;
- begin
- done := 0;
- oe := TCPAddrToName(dnrptr, ip, hi, done);
- if (oe = cacheFault) or (oe = noErr) then begin
- while done = 0 do
- WNE;
- oe := hi.rtnCode;
- if oe = noErr then begin
- SanitizeHostName(hi.rtnHostName);
- name := hi.rtnHostName;
- end;
- end;
- if oe <> noErr then
- TCPAddrToStr(dnrptr, ip, name);
- end;
- { ANNOUNCE - announce to a user that a talk is wanted }
- { LEAVE_INVITE - insert the request into the table }
- { LOOK_UP - look up to see if a request is waiting in }
- { in the table for the local user }
- { DELETE - delete invitation }
- { SCAN - return the id_num'th entry in the table - Added specifically to allow Talk }
- { to scan for waiting connections. WARNING: Returns an extended packet (ie, a }
- { ctlMsg instead of a ctlResponse) }
- { VERIFY_ANNOUNCE - check that the announce request is still there }
- procedure GetSendString (var name: str255);
- var
- f: longInt;
- begin
- f := (TickCount - IdleSince) div 60;
- if f < 180 then
- name := concat(NumToStr(f), GetGlobalString(s_seconds))
- else if f < longInt(180) * 60 then
- name := concat(NumToStr(f div 60), GetGlobalString(s_minutes))
- else if f < 48 * longInt(3600) then
- name := concat(NumToStr(f div 3600), GetGlobalString(s_hours))
- else
- name := concat(NumToStr(f div 86400), GetGlobalString(s_days));
- SPrintS5(name, GetGlobalString(auto_reply_pattern), name, '', '', '', '');
- name := concat(chr($7F), chr($15), chr($13), name);
- end;
- procedure DoAnnounce (var m: ctlMsg; var r: ctlMsg);
- var
- oe: OSErr;
- name: str255;
- ptr: ctlMsgPtr;
- tcpc: TCPConnectionPtr;
- f: longInt;
- begin
- JustGetPrefs(prefs);
- if not ValidUserName(UserToPStr(m.r_name), prefs) then begin
- r.answer := A_not_here;
- end
- else begin
- AddrToName(m.ctl_addr.ip, name);
- ptr := FindRequest(m);
- if ptr = nil then begin
- r.answer := InsertTable(m);
- r.id_num := m.id_num;
- if r.answer = A_success then
- r.answer := AnnounceRequest(m, name);
- exit(DoAnnounce);
- end
- else if m.id_num > ptr^.id_num then begin
- { This is an explicit re-announce, so update the id_num }
- { field to avoid duplicates and re-announce the talk. }
- { But we don't handle re-announcing (it screws up Talk anyway) }
- { ptr^.id_num := NewID;}
- r.id_num := ptr^.id_num;
- { r.answer := AnnounceRequest(m, name);}
- r.answer := a_success;
- if prefs.reply_if_idle and (TickCount - IdleSince > min_idle_time) then begin
- oe := TCPActiveOpen(tcpc, Minimum_TCPBUFFERSIZE, 0, m.addr.ip, m.addr.port, nil);
- if oe = noErr then begin
- f := TickCount + 10 * 60; { 10 seconds to connect }
- while (TickCount < f) and (TCPState(tcpc) <> T_established) do
- WNE;
- if TCPState(tcpc) = T_Established then begin
- GetSendString(name);
- oe := TCPSend(tcpc, @name[1], length(name));
- end;
- oe := TCPClose(tcpc, nil);
- end;
- end;
- end
- else begin
- r.id_num := ptr^.id_num;
- r.answer := A_success;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure ProcessRequest (var m: ctlMsg; var r: ctlMsg; var extended: boolean);
- var
- ptr: ctlMsgPtr;
- begin
- extended := false;
- r.vers := talk_version;
- r.typ := m.typ;
- r.addr.family := AF_INET;
- r.id_num := 0;
- if m.vers <> talk_version then begin
- r.answer := A_badversion;
- exit(ProcessRequest);
- end;
- m.id_num := m.id_num; { convert byte order }
- m.addr.family := m.addr.family; { convert byte order }
- if m.addr.family <> AF_INET then begin
- r.answer := A_badaddr;
- exit(ProcessRequest);
- end;
- m.ctl_addr.family := m.ctl_addr.family; { convert byte order }
- if m.ctl_addr.family <> AF_INET then begin
- r.answer := A_badctladdr;
- exit(processRequest);
- end;
- m.pid := m.pid; { convert byte order }
- { writeln(m.typ, ', l=', m.l_name, ', r=', m.r_name);}
- case m.typ of
- CT_announce:
- DoAnnounce(m, r);
- CT_leave_invite: begin
- ptr := FindRequest(m);
- if ptr <> nil then begin
- r.id_num := ptr^.id_num;
- r.answer := A_success;
- end
- else begin
- r.answer := InsertTable(m);
- r.id_num := m.id_num;
- end;
- end;
- CT_lookup: begin
- ptr := FindMatch(m);
- if ptr <> nil then begin
- r.id_num := ptr^.id_num;
- r.addr := ptr^.addr;
- r.addr.family := r.addr.family;{ convert to net byte order }
- r.answer := A_success;
- end
- else
- r.answer := A_not_here;
- end;
- CT_scan: begin
- ptr := FindIndexedAnnounce(m.id_num);
- extended := true;
- if ptr <> nil then begin
- r := ptr^;
- r.typ := CT_scan;
- r.answer := A_success;
- end
- else
- r.answer := A_not_here;
- end;
- CT_VerifyAnnounce: begin
- m.typ := CT_announce;
- ptr := FindRequest(m);
- if ptr <> nil then begin
- r.id_num := ptr^.id_num;
- r.answer := A_success;
- end
- else
- r.answer := A_not_here;
- end;
- CT_quit: begin
- quitNow := true;
- r.answer := A_success;
- end;
- CT_delete: begin
- r.answer := DeleteInvite(m.id_num);
- end;
- otherwise
- r.answer := A_unknown_request;
- end;
- end;
- procedure OToNRequest (datap: ptr; datalen: integer; recport: integer; var request: ctlMsg; var cvt: longInt);
- var
- r: ctlMsg;
- ocr: octlMsg;
- i: integer;
- begin
- if datalen = SizeOf(ctlMsg) then begin
- BlockMove(datap, @request, SizeOf(request));
- cvt := 0 { ntalk }
- end
- else begin
- if datalen = SizeOf(octlMsg) then begin
- BlockMove(datap, @ocr, SizeOf(ocr));
- cvt := 1;
- request.typ := ctlTypes(ord(ocr.data[1]));
- BlockMove(@ocr.data[2], @request.l_name, oname_size);
- for i := oname_size + 1 to name_size do
- request.l_name[i] := chr(0);
- BlockMove(@ocr.data[11], @request.r_name, oname_size);
- for i := oname_size + 1 to name_size do
- request.r_name[i] := chr(0);
- request.pid := ocr.pid;
- request.id_num := ocr.id_num;
- request.r_tty := ocr.r_tty;
- request.addr := ocr.addr;
- request.ctl_addr := ocr.ctl_addr;
- if request.addr.family = 0 then
- request.addr.family := AF_INET;
- if request.ctl_addr.family = 0 then
- request.ctl_addr.family := AF_INET;
- request.vers := talk_version;
- end
- else begin
- request.vers := -1;
- cvt := -1;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure NToOResponse (cvt: longInt; var response: ctlMsg; extend: boolean; var datalen: integer);
- var
- ocr: octlResponse;
- begin
- if extend then
- datalen := SizeOf(ctlMsg) { must be ntalk, must be local, must be us! }
- else begin
- case cvt of
- -1: begin
- datalen := 0;
- end;
- 0:
- datalen := SizeOf(ctlResponse);
- 1: begin
- ocr.typ := response.typ;
- ocr.answer := response.answer;
- ocr.id_num := response.id_num;
- ocr.addr := response.addr;
- BlockMove(@ocr, @response, SizeOf(ocr));
- datalen := SizeOf(octlResponse);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function StackPtr: longInt;
- inline
- $2E8F;
- var
- request: ctlMsg;
- response: ctlMsg;
- extended: boolean;
- udpcn, udpco: UDPConnectionPtr;
- oe: OSErr;
- remoteIP: longInt;
- remoteport: integer;
- datap: ptr;
- datalen: integer;
- s: str255;
- r: rect;
- gv: longInt;
- applLimitP: ^longInt;
- cvt: longInt;
- begin
- applLimitP := POINTER($130);
- applLimitP^ := StackPtr - 8000;
- { SetApplLimit(ptr(StackPtr - 8000));}
- MaxApplZone;
- MoreMasters;
- oe := Gestalt(gestaltAppleEventsAttr, gv);
- has_AppleEvents := (oe = noErr) and (gv = 1);
- if has_AppleEvents then
- oe := AEInstallEventHandler(kCoreEventClass, kAEQuitApplication, @HandleQUIT, 0, false);
- InitNotify;
- InitTrackIdle;
- if UDPInit = noErr then begin
- if TCPInit = noErr then begin
- s := '';
- if TCPOpenResolver(s, dnrptr) = noErr then begin
- InitTables;
- if UDPCreate(udpcn, 0, talkd_port) = noErr then begin
- if UDPCreate(udpco, 0, otalkd_port) = noErr then begin
- quitNow := false;
- while not quitNow do begin
- WNE;
- while (UDPDatagramsAvailable(udpcn) = 0) and (UDPDatagramsAvailable(udpco) = 0) and not quitNow do
- WNE;
- if not quitNow then begin
- if UDPDatagramsAvailable(udpcn) > 0 then begin { new talk port }
- oe := UDPRead(udpcn, 5, remoteIP, remoteport, datap, datalen);
- if datalen = SizeOf(ctlMsg) then begin
- BlockMove(datap, @request, SizeOf(request));
- oe := UDPReturnBuffer(udpcn, datap);
- ProcessRequest(request, response, extended);
- if extended then
- oe := UDPWrite(udpcn, remoteIP, remoteport, @response, SizeOf(response), false)
- else
- oe := UDPWrite(udpcn, remoteIP, remoteport, @response, SizeOf(ctlResponse), false);
- end
- else if datalen > 0 then
- oe := UDPReturnBuffer(udpco, datap);
- end
- else begin { old talk port }
- oe := UDPRead(udpco, 5, remoteIP, remoteport, datap, datalen);
- if datalen > 0 then begin
- OToNRequest(datap, datalen, otalkd_port, request, cvt);
- oe := UDPReturnBuffer(udpco, datap);
- ProcessRequest(request, response, extended);
- NToOResponse(cvt, response, extended, datalen);
- oe := UDPWrite(udpco, remoteIP, remoteport, @response, datalen, false)
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- oe := UDPRelease(udpco);
- end;
- oe := UDPRelease(udpcn);
- end;
- TCPCloseResolver(dnrptr);
- end;
- TCPFinish;
- end;
- UDPFinish;
- end;
- FinishTrackIdle;
- FinishNotify;
- end.